

Creates a new PuppetLint::Lexer::Token object. Takes 4 arguments:

  • The token type (see the tables below)
  • The value of the token (used when rendering the fixed manifest)
  • The line number that the token was found on
  • The column number that the token started in


Returns the line number that the token was found on.


Returns the column number that the token started on.


Returns the type of the token.


Returns the value of the token.


Returns the next PuppetLint::Lexer::Token object in manifest.


Returns the next PuppetLint::Lexer::Token object in the manifest that is not a formatting token (whitespace and comment tokens, see the tables below).


Returns the previous PuppetLint::Lexer::Token object in the manifest.


Returns the previous PuppetLint::Lexer::Token object in the manifest that is not a formatting token (whitespace and command tokens, see the tables below).

Token Types


Token Type Value
:CLASS class
:DEFAULT default
:CASE case
:DEFINE define
:IMPORT import
:IF if
:ELSE else
:ELSIF elsif
:INHERITS inherits
:NODE node
:AND and
:OR or
:UNDEF undef
:TRUE true
:FALSE false
:IN in
:UNLESS unless


Token Type Value
:NOT !
:DOT .
:AT @
:DIV /


Token Type Value
:NEWLINE A carriage return (\r), a line feed (\n) or, a combination of both
:WHITESPACE A block of 1 or more space or tab (\t) characters
:INDENT A special token for :WHITESPACE that occurs at the start of a line (directly after a :NEWLINE token)


Token Type Value
:COMMENT A single line comment starting with a hash (e.g. # foo)
:MLCOMMENT A multiline comment between /* and */
:SLASH_COMMENT A single line comment starting with two slashes (e.g. // foo)


Token Type Value
:SSTRING A string contained within single quotes (e.g. 'foo')
:REGEX A string contained within slashes (e.g. /foo/)
:STRING A double quoted string that contains no other tokens such as variables (e.g. "foo")

When double quoted strings contain other tokens such as variables, the string is split up into multiple tokens.

Token Type Value
:DQPRE The part of the string from the beginning until the first token (e.g. If tokenising "foo ${bar} baz ${gronk} qux", the :DQPRE token would have the value “foo “)
:DQMID The part of the string that comes between tokens (e.g. If tokenising "foo ${bar} baz ${gronk} qux", there would be a single :DQMID token with the value “ baz “)
:DQPOST The part of the string from the last token until the end of the string (e.g. If tokenising "foo ${bar} baz ${gronk} qux", the :DQPOST token would have the value “ qux”)


Token Type Value
:NUMBER A number expressed in decimal (123), in hexidecimal (0x123) or in scientific notation (‘12e3’)
:NAME A lowercase bare word or sequence of bare words joined by double colons (::) (e.g. foo::bar, thing2)
:CLASSREF A special case for the :NAME token where the word starts with capital letter (e.g. Foo, Foo::Bar)
:FUNCTION_NAME A special case for the :NAME token where the value is suffixed with a left parentheses (e.g. hiera(, template()
:VARIABLE A special case for the :NAME token where the value is prefixed with a dollar sign ($) (e.g. $foo, $::foo::bar)
:UNENC_VARIABLE A special case for the :VARIABLE token which can only exist in a double quoted string (i.e. between :DQPRE and :DQPOST tokens). Variables found inside those strings will have a token type of :VARIABLE if they are enclosed in braces (e.g. ${foo}), if not, they will have the type :UNENC_VARIABLE