Control Comments

Blocks of lines in your manifest can be ignored by boxing them in with lint:ignore:<check name> and lint:endignore comments

class foo {
  $bar = 'bar'
  # lint:ignore:double_quoted_strings
  $baz = "baz"
  $gronk = "gronk"
  # lint:endignore

You can also ignore just a single line by adding a trailing lint:ignore:<check name> comment to the line

$this_line_has_a_really_long_name_and_value = "[snip]" # lint:ignore:140chars

Multiple checks can be ignored in one comment by listing them with whitespace separators

# lint:ignore:double_quoted_strings lint:ignore:slash_comments
$baz = "baz"
// my awesome comment
# lint:endignore

Telling puppet-lint to ignore certain problems won’t prevent them from being detected, they just won’t be displayed (or fixed) by default. If you want to see which problems puppet-lint is ignoring, you can add --show-ignored to your puppet-lint invocation.

$ puppet-lint --show-ignored
foo/manifests/bar.pp - IGNORED: line has more than 140 characters on line 1

For the sake of your memory (and your coworkers), any text in your comment after lint:ignore:<check name> will be considered the reason for ignoring the check and will be displayed when showing ignored problems.

$ puppet-lint --show-ignored
foo/manifests/bar.pp - IGNORED: line has more than 140 characters on line 1
  there is a good reason for this